Nov 10, 2008

Stop dogs suffering an early and painful death

Let's take a look at some of the fantastic information you find inside your copy of Dog Food SECRETS™, that you can begin using today to keep your 'best-friend' by your side longer than you ever thought possible...

Discover which 3 deadly, cancer-causing, organ damaging preservatives to look for in the ingredients of commercial dog food. These poisons were banned from human food years ago!

Just this knowledge alone could save your dog from a painful, cancerous death.

Understand The 4 Percentage-Rules rules which govern how dog food companies must list their ingredients.

Deceit is purposely built into the system and without the information I show you, you are tricked into buying inferior 'crap' which doesn't contain what you've been lead to believe it does.

Now you can buy healthier and stop being ripped-off!

Discover the disgraceful truth about dog foods labeled as "premium," "superpremium" and even, "ultra-premium" or "gourmet".

This tip alone saves you $500/year/dog if you buy this type of food. (Page 8)

Find out what the terms 'Natural' and 'Organic' really mean when you see them on dog food packaging.

After discovering these dirty-secrets, you never buy the same way again!

I teach you 1 small word that makes the difference between your dog eating dead pets, road kill and diseased animals OR NOT.

Dog food companies spend millions annually to manipulate you into buying the cheapest, worst quality, most dangerous ingredients possible to maximize their profits.

Using the secrets I share with you, never be tricked again.

Witness the dog food industry's sinister 'Protein-Scam' exposed with all it's ugliness and learn how to detect it within 3 seconds of picking up a tin..

Dog food companies heartlessly exploit loophole which allows them to add a very cheap form of protein that has almost zero nutritional value to a dog instead of essential animal protein your dog needs to survive.

The long-term symptoms of eating this type of fake-protein include, but not limited to:
+ Weak or deformed bones
+ Chronic skin and ear infections
+ Chronic flea and worm infestations
+ Epilepsy and cancer
+ Timidity
+ Aggression and
+ An impaired ability to heal from wounds.

However, their deception is not perfect - I'll show you how to easily 'see-straight-through' this lie in 2 seconds, so your innocent dog doesn't have to pay the price.

Instantly become an expert in dog nutritional requirements with my simple-to-follow guide to the 6 major food components essential for dog health.

And understand, once-and-for-all, what percentage of each your dog should be eating and where to get them.

With this super-important information, not only are your friends hugely impressed by your knowledge, you also have a well balanced, happy dog.

Know in 1 second how many calories your dog should be eating every day with my At-A-Glance Body-Weight-Calorie-Chart.

Now you can easily feed your dog for maximum health and vitality, with the same scientific precision horse-breeders feed their million-dollar thoroughbreds.

Use the 'Varying Needs Calorie Chart' to quickly calculate the perfect-portions for your dog if you have colder than usual winters, hotter than usual summers, your dog is still a pup or your dog is overweight.

Now your dog can stay in top condition year round, especially if he or she spends a lot of time outdoors or still a young dog.

The calorie requirements of a dog change many times over its life-time. If you are not prepared your dog becomes life-threateningly obese or dangerously underweight.

Discover exactly how to calculate calorie requirement for your dog for maximum health if...

If it's been neutered, obesity is a major concern-- it' already the #1 dog-health issue in the US. Discover how to avoid 'loving your dog to death'.

If she is pregnant, know exactly when and how to adjust her intake, it's not what most people think!

If she is breast feeding, her requirements can literally change from day-to-day. If you get this wrong it results in a sick dog and dead pups --> I'll show you what to do for raising the perfect, health family.

If yours is a working dog, it's requirements compared to a house pet can be like the difference between night and day. Discover what it takes to keep your hardworker going day-after-day

If your dog is in it's geriatric years, it is especially susceptible to the ill-effects of incorrect calorie intake.

Problem is, geriatric years differ greatly from breed-to-breed and dog-to-dog. Use the same 5 indicators of old-age vets use to determine how to feed your dog the perfect caloric diet.

Discover nature's power-sources for..

#1 best source of phosphorous, vitamins A and B, essential for optimal organ function

The 6 best grains to feed your dog for energy-giving carbs, so they can bound through life and stay young.

The 6 leanest types of high-quality protein for building muscle (not what you think!), so your dog can be powerful but lean.

The 8 best fruit snacks for a vibrant, vitamin-packed dog so it's internal systems function like a much younger dog.

The 5 quick and easy human brekky foods dogs love, that also fills them with superb nourishment for times when your dog is hungry but you're short on time.

Use my quick reference chart to determine with Weight-Watchers-Accuracy how many total calories, fat calories and protein are contained in a cup of the most common animal protein sources.

With this information it's possible to give your dog a meal they love that's also incredibly healthy --> everyone wins!

Realize which 20 human-foods that, although delicious to you & I, are as good as nails-in-the-coffin to your dog. Use this list to stop yourself from killing your dog with kindness!

There's still plenty more I haven't told you about yet..

To find out more click below: