Dec 31, 2008

Mastiff Dog Center

Don’t Ever Mess With the Bull Mastiff and his Territory!

The Bull Mastiff is a crossbreed between the English Bulldog (40%) and the English Mastiff (60%). The Bull Mastiff has acquired the English Bulldog’s tenacity and agility, while he definitely inherited the English Mastiff's size, appearance, strength and loyalty.

The Bull Mastiff is bred by the English Gamekeepers in the 1800’s to find and tackle poachers. As such, they have been proven to be good household pets and guard dogs. The Bull Mastiff rarely barks, but when they do bark, it could make heads turn due to its hollow sounding bark, making them reliable night watchers.

A male Bull Mastiff can grow up to 27 inches tall weighing 115 to 140 pounds, while females can reach up to 26 inches and weigh around 100 to 120 pounds. Regardless of gender, the coat of a Bull Mastiff may come in shades of red, fawn and brindle. This type of Mastiff has a black muzzle, which tones off toward the eyes and dark markings around the eyes that gives the Bull Mastiff a unique expression.

Although the Bull Mastiff is powerfully built, they are not bulky dogs. They are energetic and alert guard dogs who have protective instincts that will defend its master against any person or animal they perceive as a threat. The Bull Mastiff dogs are courageous, calm and loyal with those they know. However, unlike other dogs, the Bull Mastiff does not attack immediately to protect. Instead, they knock down the stranger or animal with its powerful body and massive size, pinning them down to the ground. Some Bull Mastiffs would simply stand in between their masters and the stranger to keep them from passing.

Bull Mastiffs crave human companionship. They can become extremely attached to their masters and families. As such, a Bull Mastiff can live indoors with humans. However, since a Bull Mastiff may not get along with other dogs, socialization should be practiced at an early age.

The Bull Mastiff can easily get along with children, even if he or she is fully-grown. However, parental supervision is needed especially for toddlers because the Bull Mastiff is built heavily and can accidentally knock a small child down.

Just like other Mastiff breeds, the Bull Mastiff is fearless when feel threatened. However, under normal circumstances, these types of dogs are even-tempered, affectionate and devoted with a good-natured temperament.

Due to its size and strength, the Bull Mastiff is extremely powerful. They can be stubborn as puppies and a bit headstrong or unruly during adolescence. As such, a firm master is needed for obedience training. While the Bull Mastiff is not a difficult dog to train, he does require a master who is capable of asserting his authority. When trained properly, these dogs can become very sensitive to the tone of his master’s voice. However, since the Bull Mastiff is more aggressive that other Mastiff breeds, early training and socialization is necessary.

A Bull Mastiff can be excessively protective of his family and other household pets, especially if he is socialized at an early age. He will only allow strangers to come into the house if they are introduced to the Bull Mastiff by his master or other people they trust. Therefore, if you plan on robbing the Bull Mastiff’s house, fighting his master, interfering with his territory and messing with his family, prepare to be knocked down and halted in your tracks as the Bull Mastiff will never back down on a fight.

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Aromatherapy for Dogs

Do you have a dog who suffers from anxiety and nervousness? How about bad breath, arthritis, skin problems and constant itching?

Of course our dogs can suffer from these and other conditions at any time.

So, did you know that you can treat your dog with Aromatherapy for any of these conditions plus many more? I didn't until I purchased and read a copy of Aromatherapy for Dogs by Tracey Peapell.

I now know that dogs are every bit as susceptible to the powers of Aromatherapy essentials oils as we humans are. I tried some of the blends on my dog and she seemed to really benefit from it. She even smelt gorgeous.

I like the way the author has left her mark on this book with tales of her own experiences. It makes for a very enjoyable read without leaving out all the necessary details about Aromatherapy and it's use on dogs.

I thoroughly recommend this book and if you decide to give it a go, I'd love to hear how it works out for you.

How To Protect Your Pet From Fleas

Dog fleas are a very common problem in households around the world. As many dogs go outside to play, they bring in fleas with them when they come inside. There are many species of dog fleas, although the most common type to live on a dog, ironically, is the cat flea. The cat flea is commonly referred to as dog fleas, as this species of flea will feed from almost any type of mammal. Many cat fleas will even feed on birds, should the opportunity arise.

Dog fleas are excellent jumpers, which allows them to hop onto a new host animal easily. This can cause problems for people, as the fleas will jump from a dog to their owner. Flea bites are extremely uncomfortable, causing a red, swelling spot that can itch for up to two weeks. This itching usually occurs regardless of whether or not you are allergic to fleas. If you are allergic to fleas, the bite can be significantly worse and require doctor attention to resolve.

If you find you have a problem with dog fleas in your home, you should make certain that you treat your pets with either Front Line, Advantage or other anti-flea medications. These medications are extremely useful, as they not only protect your dog against bites, they also help kill off the flea populations in your home.

There are many ways to remove dog fleas from your home if you find yourself facing an infestation. Anti-flea medications on your pet can lower the number of fleas significantly, but this method can take several months to be completed. If you need faster results, you can use flea bombs or flea foggers. These potent, toxic tools can quickly kill a population of fleas in any room if they are used correctly. To be effective, the room has to be completely sealed off, with air vents being covered and airways surrounding doors and windows being sealed. This can take up to five hours do for each room, depending on how much furniture needs to be protected and how open the chamber is.

Dog fleas can also be repelled through use of natural products, such as Citronella, Lemongrass and Cedar. If applied properly, they can form a repelling barrier to prevent fleas from getting in. If you use these in conjunction with flea bombs, you can effectively remove living fleas from a home.