Nov 10, 2008

How to stop cat aggression.

Texas Cat Trainer reveals powerful strategies that transformed antisocial “wild cats” into lovable housecats in less than 13 days. She can do the same for your little tiger, too. Imagine your cat…
* Faithfully using the litter box rather than your carpet
* Sharpening claws on the scratching post instead of your sofa
* Playing without aggressive biting and clawing
* Enjoying fun and happy times with their favorite human – you!

If you’re reading this, you’ve undoubtedly “had it up to here” with your cat’s bad behavior.

Maybe something like this is going on in your house right now…

* Kitty is in the doghouse again because she ignored the litter box and did her business on the carpet instead.

* Your sofa looks like a tattered reject from the thrift store.

* Fun play times come to a screeching halt when your sweet ball of fur morphs into a biting psycho kitty.

* If cat poop were a good fertilizer for your houseplants, they would reach the ceiling by now.

Sound familiar?

Whether your cat is acting out because of stress, a medical condition, or simply doesn’t know what you expect…the result is enough to drive you up the wall.

And whether you spotted your cute little kitty through a pet store window, rescued her from a pound, or she showed up meowing at the door one day…this little “hell cat” isn’t exactly what you bargained for when you brought her home.

To make matters worse, there are so many different opinions from the “experts” on how to banish bad behavior, it’s hard to wade through the ocean of advice and figure out what works.

Friends and family…perhaps even your vet…don’t help matters much when they say…

“You can’t train cats – they aren’t as smart as dogs.”

“Just de-claw your cat and solve your scratching problem for good.”

Or how about this one…

“If your cat poops on the carpet, try rubbing his nose in it. That will teach him a lesson for sure.”

It frustrates the heck out you.

You’re embarrassed to have your friends over because your house smells like cat pee, your rugs and curtains have rips and tears from kitty’s “romps through the jungle”, and your acrobatic feline is likely to vault onto the kitchen table and nibble on your dinner when you’re not looking.

And if you’re like I once was, right about now you may be wondering…

"Hey, whose house is this anyway?” Well, it’s time to stop pussy footing around. Now you can…

Regain Control And Let Kitty
Know The Rules Of The House

No matter how much you love to spoil and pamper your pet, the truth is your little tiger has to follow the rules of the house. True, cats are independent creatures but they need routines and schedules, too. And in order to avoid constant stress over kitty’s dirty deeds, you must establish what is acceptable and what is not.

In a way your cat can understand.

Because anyone that has spent more than five minutes around a cat knows they are ferociously determined. It’s exasperating at times.

The good news is…

You, Your Cat, The Kids, And Even Fido The Dog
Can Live Happily Together Under One Roof

You just have to know how cats think.

And you don’t need to take a course in Pet Psychology 101 to figure it out. Finally, there is a simpler way to understand their quirks and wacky habits. You know, those zany traits that make cats so wonderfully “cat like” on one hand…and totally devilish on the other.

The best part is once you crack the code on their “outta control” behavior, training them to do what you want becomes easier than you ever imagined.

And I certainly understand your frustrations because I’ve been there, too.

I haven’t always been a cat lover. It’s true. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even like them that much. The cats in my neighborhood were constantly leaping onto my car and leaving dusty paw prints all over it – usually right after a trip through the car wash. If I felt anything at all for them, it was irritation.

Believe me, that is not how I imagined my day would end when I visited a friend’s farm.

While out for a walk in the barnyard one morning I spotted a colony of feral (wild) kittens abandoned in the old barn. They were tiny, flea bitten and half starved. Maybe it was their pitiful, hungry meows that melted my heart but out of the blue, my maternal instincts kicked into overdrive. Someone had to help them and call me crazy, but I decided that someone was me.

And so my rescue mission began. Have you ever tried herding cats – especially little “wild cats”? If so, you know it takes some doing. But after a round up that would have made Annie Oakley proud, I finally managed to wrangle the little gang of banditos into my car - knowing all along I didn’t have a clue as to how to care for them.

But that had to change. I remember thinking “With all the cute, loveable cats and kittens ready for adoption, what chance do these skinny, malnourished, outlaw kittens have?”

To give these little bandits the best chance at a happy home I had to train them first. So I hit the books with feverish intensity soaking up everything I could find about cat training. After countless hours pouring over encyclopedias of information, after frustrating trial and error, I finally discovered the secrets of cat behavior.

And then… In less than 13 days, those 11 renegade kittens were transformed into well-behaved housecats.

But I didn’t stop there.

To this day, I’ve read and studied more than 100 books and articles about cat behavior, cat health, and cat care…interviewed dozens of vets, animal shelter and adoption center volunteers…and listened to stories of happy cat owners.

For over four years now, almost everyone I know turns to me …the ‘cat wrangler’…for advice whenever their cats take a walk on the wild side. The truth is I get a kick out of helping other cat lovers build wonderful relationships with their cats by using my training methods.

So I decided to take all the tips, tricks, and advice I learned and “compress” it into a sanity saving resource for anyone battling bad cat behavior. The exciting results is…

A Quick and Easy, Step-By-Step Guide
That Reveals The Secrets To A Well-Behaved Cat

I have to admit, it’s a rewarding feeling. Because not only did the secrets I discover make it possible to train my misbehaving, anti-social feral cats … now as a result hundreds of cats are enjoying a happy, healthy life with loving families.

To find out more click below: