Nov 10, 2008

Care For And Train A Rabbit

The Right (and the Wrong) Way to Care For And Train A Rabbit

This newly released manual is called “The Definitive Guide For Rabbit Owners” and I designed it to be the quickest and easiest way to learn about practical rabbit care and training.

Inside this entertaining guide you'll get absolutely everything any rabbit owner would need to give their rabbit a happy, healthy, home life.

Inside the manual you will find:

* How To Build A Rewarding, Trusting Relationship With Your Rabbit

* Exactly What You Need To Do Before Bringing Your New Rabbit Home

* Everything You Need To Know About "Bunny Proofing" Your Home... Identifies The Most Dangerous Areas Of Your Home and How To Prevent Rabbits From Hurting Themselves

* Pet Stores Exposed: What You Need To Watch Out For

* Little Known “Secret” Method That Keeps Your Rabbit From Chewing On Furniture

* Rabbit Myth Exposed: Why You Should NOT Feed Your Rabbit Pellets And What To Use Instead That Will Make Them Healthier And Happier

* Everything You Need To Know About Holding And Cuddling Your Pet Rabbit

* 4 Things Every Rabbit Needs To Have In Its Cage To Be Happy & Healthy

* Choosing Non-Harmful Toys For Your Rabbit - Including 6 Specific Examples Of FREE Toys You Can Use

* Little Known Problems With Most Rabbit Cages Sold At Pet Stores And How To Solve Them

* How To Protect Your Outdoor Rabbit From The Elements

* The Best Place To Put An Outdoor Hutch So Your Rabbit Has The Best Chance Of Staying Healthy

* What Kind Of Litter Box You Should Get

* How To Protect Your Rabbit From Developing Painful Sores On Its Feet

* How To Prevent Shedding & Hairballs

* The Best Place To Find A New Rabbit - Hint: It's *NOT* A Pet Store.

* Exactly What To Feed Your Rabbit And How Often

* Suggested Vegetables & Fruits Your Rabbit Will Enjoy Plus What To Watch Out For About Fruits

* What You Must Know About Spaying & Neutering

* How To Reduce Behavioral Problems Like Urine Spraying & Cage Aggression

* How Much You Should Pay For Spaying & Neutering So You Don't Get Ripped Off -- (Prices Are Different From Males & Females!)

* Keeping Multiple Bunnies and Making Sure They're Friends - Includes 2 Criteria That Will Make The Process *MUCH* Easier

* How To Prevent Your Female Rabbit From Contracting CANCER -- 80% Of Females Will And What You Can Do To Avoid It

* Exact Steps You Should Take To Bond Two Bunnies

* Little Known Technique To Separate 2 Rabbits That Are Acting Aggressive So You Don't Have To Use Your Hand

* 2 Tricks That Will Speed Up The Bonding Process

* The Best Way To Make Sure Your Rabbit Likes Being Around Humans

* How To Become Friends With Your Rabbit And Get It To Trust You

* Little Known Secret To Make Your Rabbit To Return To Its Cage

* The Right Way To Pick Up Your Rabbit Including Ways You Should *NEVER* Pick It Up

* Children And Rabbits - How To Make Sure Your Children And Rabbit Are Safe

* Training Your Rabbit To Use A Litter Box -- Includes The Best Place To Place The Box And How To Set It Up So Your Rabbit Uses It

* How To Save Money On Litter And Specific Types To Avoid Because They Make Your Bunny Sick!

* How To get Your Rabbit To Faithfully Use It's Litter Box

* Training Your Rabbit To Use A Harness And Do Tricks

* How To Bathe Your Rabbit Including Bathing Tips To Make Sure It Doesn't Get Sick

* How To Increase Your Rabbit's Lifespan

As you can see this really is the ultimate manual for rabbit owners but until now you had to learn all this from painful experience or by interviewing hundreds of experts.

(Even if you don’t own a rabbit yet and are just considering getting one, you'll benefit immensely from this guide because you’ll know if a rabbit is the right pet for you and exactly what to expect.)

Just imagine being absolutely sure and confident that you’re giving your rabbit the best care it deserves...

Hollywood Singer Songwriter Mindi Abair Loves Our Bunny Book!

Mindi Abair Singing "I used to have a cute grey dwarf rabbit as a pet, and I litter trained him and just let him hop around the cage.

We'd play "tag" in the yard. He was awesome! He never did learn to not chew on the power cables, though!

But I love rabbits...and I've been daydreaming of getting another one day! I saw your book and figured...I'll read up...

I thought I knew a lot, but I learned so much from your book, and it was fun to read! It was very personal, and obviously written by a rabbit lover with a lot of personal experience, not someone hired by a publisher to research and write about something abstract.

If you're a rabbit lover, you can definitely learn something from this book! made me want to go get a rabbit and bring him home immediately!"

- Mindi Abair, Beverly Hills CA

Click on Rabbits to find out more: